What is Swagger?

Basic working knowledge of Swagger is a prerequisite for having pyramid_swagger make sense as a library.

Swagger <http://www.swagger.io> is a specification format for describing HTTP services, with a particular focus on RESTful APIs. The schema you write will describe your API comprehensively.

The benefit of going through the work of writing a Swagger schema for API is you then get access to a great number of tools which work off this spec. The Swagger website has an entire page devoted to community tools which consume this schema <http://swagger.io/open-source-integrations/>. In fact, you’ll notice that pyramid_swagger is listed as one of these.

In short, your Swagger schema simply describes your API. For a more in-depth introduction, try the official Swagger introduction article<http://swagger.io/getting-started-with-swagger-i-what-is-swagger/>.